2010년 9월 8일 수요일

Paris lovefor Patras

Paris lovefor Patras, and Nicholas, the first time to visit the old factory experience is frustrating. they found the head of the factory, showing a number of elaborate computer drawn sketches and a simple business plan, put forward leap in shoes to help improve the quality and design and to the international market, but it is used to get some idea whether the \and before that they found the factory to the foreigner the same, but just want to export a number of shoes, so can not help but leap a bold transformation of this idea greatly surprised. repeated negotiations, thetwo uninvited guests, and finally was held skepticism Chinese people have reached
P90X agreement, large Bowen also agreed to arrange their shoes in a suburb of Shanghai factory manufacturing shoes designed by the Patras. the ultimate kind of shoes went through numerous rounds of modification, and renewal through a leap from of details are changed: a more compact shape fashion, fabric texture better, and revised the original \, packaging is also designed to be more beautiful. In addition, each section also has a name shoes in order to strengthen their personality, such as a pair of trying to attract female consumers pink model, which was named \> The first launch of a three: After a careful reconstruction of the classic white canvas red and blue section \put the scale of Europe, Patras returned to Paris 3 months in advance, he can think of the best p90x workout marketing approach is the old brand to the Chinese legend of this very strange stories to tell European consumers, such as 70-year-long history, such as private practice as a martial arts shoes so special about the story not only attracted media coverage, but also to vendors move the heart. listed in the first week, there are approximately 10 retail stores to join the ranks of After two weeks of shoes to put on the 16 leap seven store shelves.
However, they also prove that the process of experiencing: To remove the \impression of Patras have tried the p90x dvd set original place of origin marked as \with the sale; price at 5 ? 60, slightly higher than the price of ordinary sports shoes, highlighting its fashion positioning. now leap in France with more than 160 retail agents in the United Kingdom, Japan also has sales, North America the market has just opened channels.

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